Thursday, April 13, 2017

Maybe this helps.

Last night my wife and I were talking, and she mentioned that she wasn't sure of the reason, but that I didn't seem to be getting as deeply depressed as I had been in the recent past.  She figures it might be the diet (Whole30) or my new meds.  I feel a little guilty, but I haven't told her that I started writing here in my blog again, and I think that this could be a 3rd option as to why.  At her suggestion I have written about my feelings in the past, and it seems to have helped then.  I guess giving voice to my insecurities helps me get a better handle on them, maybe gives me a better perspective.  I'm still going to keep seeing the psychologist though, because I do have some deep issues I don't know how to resolve, like my fear of change and conflict.


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