Alrighty, I've had a few requests to post an update, so here it is.
Lets see... I've weaned myself off soda. Instead I'm drinking bottled water with some Crystal Light-type individual packets. I can't stand water by itself, so these add flavor without adding the sugar I was getting too much of.
I didn't stay quit smoking, but I am quitting again. Take that with as many grains of salt as you feel makes it taste better. I am quitting again because my wife has kindly bought me a bicycle for my birthday, and I'm riding it back and forth to work. And let me tell you, it sucks to be out of shape and out of breath.
As a family we've joined the community center, but I've yet to go... I hope to get started swimming again. Maybe as soon as I can ride by bike down there and back...
Lets see, what else... Oh yeah, I built a computer from scratch. I LOVE it. Its an AMD Athlon X2 3800+ with 1 Gb Ram and a 200Gb HD, eVGA 6600 GT /w 128 MB ram, and a 17" flat screen LCD monitor. Much, much better than my old Compaq. And I've left plenty of room to upgrade, so it won't be outdated in a year. Well, hopefully...
Still on my meds, taking them regularly, I go back for a follow-up next month. Been having bad tooth aches lately, but I have no dental insurance so... I suffer. Thank god for leftover pain meds.
Batman Begins is a great movie. Catwoman is not. Halle Berry is hot though. Crap, I forgot my wife reads this. Oh well... So be it. Then again, she thinks Halle Berry is hot too. Gotta see X3.
Well... I've lost my train of thought, and I need to get to bed anyways. More to come... Eventually...